Chand(Kishore Kumar) an aspiring lyricist as well as a singer goes to a dance shows and sees Mala ( Meena Kumari ) doing a dance show. He is overwhelmed with Meena Kumari's performance as a dancer and decides that if she can get Mala to dance to his songs, it will be a winning combination. However the owner of the company that Mala dances for is skeptical to the proposition. However before anything happens Chand's father vehemently opposes the idea and Chand being totally disappointed and frustrated leaves house and moves over to Bombay to try his musical talent. He takes his friend Karim ( Johnny Walker) and his girl friend Raina ( Kum Kum ) with him and puts up with his garage owner friend in the city. They start doing shows and comes to attention of Mala who eventually asks her owner Ashok Babu ( Pran ) to hire Chand to sing songs with Mala dancing together. However watch the rest of the movie to see how after many ups and downs Mala and Chand eventually gets together and the movie has a happy ending.
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